Our Services all begin at 10am and you can participate in 3 ways:
Online gpchurchofchrist.com/praise
In person at our Highland Park Campus @ 9602 92 Ave
In person at our Mission Heights Campus @ 8321 Mission Heights Drive.
What can you expect at Church of Christ
- Biblical teaching in sermons, classes, and small groups.
- A relaxed approach to church life and worship.
- Safe, fun and Christ-centred programs for children and youth.
- Assorted styles of music and artistic expressions.
- Prayer support, and exhortation
- Opportunities to serve in your area of gifting or passion.
What does Multi-site Church mean?
Multi-site simply means one church meeting in multiple locations.
As a multi-site church, we are one big family meeting at different times and places in our city. We share a board, budget, elders & staff, ministries, mission and overall vision. Whole church events such as festivals, camps, retreats, meetings and combined services are great opportunities for connecting with our “extended family”!