Reflections on Revival #17


Revival.  Tell me, why do you look to your neighbor with jealousy?  Do you think that I’m withholding good things from you?  I have created you with a unique purpose which looks different from those around you.  I don’t make mistakes.  Do you believe me?  Thank me for the life that you live for the pathway you walk is just for you and I am walking beside you.  I will fill you with satisfaction as you look into my face.  Be thankful in all things for this is my will for you.

O Lord!  I’m so sorry!  My life is hard at times, and sometimes seems hopeless.  Everyone else seems like they are having a great life and I seem to be stuck.  But you are beside me and you do give me strength.  You do open the way for me and you do give me good things.  Fill me with unending thankfulness to you.  I choose to embrace my journey with you beside me.  Revive me in believing that you love me extravagantly.   Fill me with overflowing thankfulness!


Reflection #17 – Reflections on Revival prepared by Irene Hamm in humble obedience to God.