Author Rosina Norris enjoyed a spring Bible study through the book of Ephesians with some other women in our church and invites us to join her in getting away with God so we can be transformed.
WHILE we were DREAMING of Spring, some dear DAMES were “DREAMING the DREAM of Ephesians” New life, New Society, New Love Standards, New Relationships. (Stott) Ephesians moves us to Wonder & Worship. It tells us not once but three times that’s our Design & Destiny. How lofty is that!!! We are to be about the praise of His glory.
Marx saw the human problem as economic. Utopias built (Soviet Union, China) killed tens of millions. How much grander God’s view: humans are created for good works and the building up of each other in love. To do this we’re LAVISHED WITH MERCY SO we may LAVISH MERCY ON OTHERS. To be “DESIGNATED YOUR AGENTS … WE’RE DAZZLED” (Brueggemann) with the unsearchable riches of Christ – God’s many-coloured wisdom.
The church is central to this and must be central to our lives – a beautiful tapestry of diversity and harmony. “How dare we build walls of partition in the only human community in which God has destroyed them?” (Stott) Each one is indispensable to build us up in love, and leaders equip us for serving one another. All have a nifty gift. EVERYONE ON DECK! Daily transformation essential…here’s a prayer for that –
Paul prays that you may…
…be strengthened with power thru His Spirit
…be rooted & grounded in the love of Christ
…know with all the saints the size of His love
…be filled up to the fullness of God Himself!
By the time we ascend this 4-step ladder, we’re giddy! And equipped for walking…
Walk humbly…
…showing tolerance for 1 another in love
…being diligent to preserve the unity of Spirit in the bond of peace
“Pride lurks behind all discord.” (Stott) … so submit to one another.
SUBMIT to one another.
Put on ALL God’s armor. You’re ‘gonna’ be needin’ it. There are powers in the unseen spiritual world. Satan accuses you (another name: the devil) – slanders. Get away with God – His Words, His Way, His Wonders SO you can season others with His grace. I love to do this every morning –get away with God that is; I’m still DREAMING TO BE ABLE TO “SEASON” others for WE’RE ENTRUSTED WITH THE STORY! Can you imagine that?
~ Ro