Check out my top two recent reads and feel free to contact me at the church office sometime if you want to talk about them.
• Slow Church: Cultivating Community in the Patient way of Jesus by C. Christopher Smith and John Pattison
– I bought slow church for my wife, Jen, and she has really enjoyed it. It is about the need to take the time for personal relationships and how this is the most effective way to build a church that is deep and wide. At least that is what I have gotten from my conversations with Jen 🙂

“Open-handed generosity and caring for the poor and marginalized as if we were caring for Jesus himself are extensions of our worship.”
― C. Christopher Smith, Slow Church: Cultivating Community in the Patient Way of Jesus
• Lead With Wisdom: How Wisdom Transforms Good Leaders into Great Leaders by Mark Strom
– Lead with wisdom is an excellent book because it turns conventional leadership on its head. Mark argues for the priority of persons over performance or program and that spending time in conversation with no predetermined outcome can create lasting change.

For anyone who wants to lead with wisdom, integrity, and humanity, “Lead with Wisdom” offers a welcome alternative to traditionally robotic and formulaic leadership strategies
Suggest a book!
Send me an e-mail:, contact me at the church office during the week, or flag me down on a Sunday morning – I’d love to talk with you!
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Ryan loves reading books and quotes and sharing his discoveries with others. He works at the church as our director of Young Adult and Men’s ministries. He coordinates weekly Bible studies, men’s small groups and large group events.
Check out our church library and look for Ryan’s recommendations there.