At our ladies retreat in September some conversations were had about our favourite recipes… as a few ladies learned how to make Sharon’s famously- delicious cinnamon buns… so we thought “Why not do a recipe exchange?!” Sandy, our coordinator for Ladies Night Out events, has worked with the our church’s Missions Committee to hold the Ladies Night Out recipe exchange at the same time and location as the Global Wonders Jewelry sale. It sounds like it will be a fun evening as well as informative – talking about the mission of the SA Foundation and the way their fair trade jewelry pieces make a difference in the lives of women around the world while seeing or trying on the beautiful handicrafts and exchanging stories and recipe cards. As always, snacks and hot beverages will be additional delights for the night.
This evening for all women (invite your daughters or friends!) will be a great opportunity to get to know other ladies and learn a bit more about one of our missions. It will be held at our Mission Heights site on Saturday, October 25 from 7-9pm. To participate in the recipe exchange, bring 6 cards with the recipe for your favourite main dish (Grandma’s roast? That casserole your kids actually eat? A variation on a classic lasagne?) to trade with others. Feel free to contact the church office with any questions!