Summer 2014 Cover Story

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By Sharon Kuykendall

1952 was the beginning of a joyous, life long, event in my life –  CAMP!!  Our church first held it’s camps on the shores of Bear Lake.   Swimming every day, playing ball and chasing the boys however indiscreetly are some of my fond memories.  As I recall these events I know the importance of hearing God’s word and experiencing His love on a daily basis.  Back then we were in 2 – 3 Bible classes each day of camp with an exam at the end and rewards – a camera or any coveted, desirable item – were given out!   My Mom and eventually my Mother-in-law were the cooks at many of these camps.  Perhaps the  “cooking,” opportunity was instilled in me at that time.

In the early ‘60s our church established a camp property of our very own – Pineridge.   Following my mother’s footsteps, I cooked at camp, and brought my children and grandchildren to experience special summers there year after year.   Through my many years of camp involvement I have seen the results of God’s word and love being sown.  The introduction to God’s Word and love is powerful.  I have had the privilege to see many kids, as adults, return to God with their families.

This past camp year was simply fantastic.  The leadership was outstanding- thanks to all of you – Jeremy, Mavis, Jaron & Nolan to only name a few of many.   The campers were joyous and fun,  giving the cooks interesting things to talk about (e.g. a boy eating 9 buns at one meal!).  And speaking of the cooks- how much I appreciated the excellent help in the kitchen: Pat, Nancy, Carla & Naomi, oh yes- and Dave Friesen…the best pancake flipper!  There were many times I thought “thank you” Amanda Hentges and her team for our beautiful,  useable, wonderful (I could go on!) facility – “your blessings will be great!”  The camp committee has really accomplished amazing things over the last few years.

I feel so blessed to be a part of this work.  May I encourage  everyone to be part of this great ministry in some way… whether in  prep or prayer for the camps, working with campers, or even washing dishes after a meal!

What will next year bring? –  even more OPPORTUNITIES!!

Photo spread from the Summer 2014 Chronicle print edition

Photo spread from the Summer 2014 Chronicle print edition

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