We have many stories of applications received, deliberating over identified needs and discerning how God through us wants to help those in need. Even throughout the summer months the applications continued to come in. This is a ministry that keeps us on our toes as we never know when and how many applications will be received. There is nothing static about this work within our church.
Since January 2014 the benevolence fund has assisted over 25 people in need through our LOM application process; some were individuals and some were families. We helped primarily with utilities, rent and groceries. Additionally, the Benevolence fund in partnership with a community agency provided $2500 to assist with the purchase of clothes and shoes for children returning to school. This agency works with families experiencing financial challenges and the back to school list appears to get longer each year.
Due to overwhelming need this year we may not be able to help provide a Christmas for children in financially challenged families. Any donation you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Are you aware you can simply designate to the Benevolence fund by using your offering envelope? This would be in addition to your regular giving, as a percentage of all offerings is set aside each year for our budget. Thank you for your ongoing tithes and offering to support this vital area of ministry to our church family and local community. If you are interested in contributing by giving your time to help those who are marginalized this ministry to others will always have needs. The committee members covet your prayers as we continue to deliberate the appropriate response to the needs brought to us.
– The Benevolence Committee