Bema 3: Keeping on

The BEMA (βῆμα, בּימה ): Keeping On Writers on prayer and the great mystics talk about feasting at the table with the Lord, banqueting in deep fellowship for what seems like hours. After a few months of my return to silent prayer, I confess my times are more like coffee breaks with Jesus!   Two […]

Bema 2: of prayer and gardens

The Bema (βῆμα, בּימה ) : of Prayer and Gardens I was on retreat in Toronto in 1988 when I met Sister Jessica. She became “Jess” when she learned we were Scottish, and her gentle accent and wit helped us adjust to silent meals, strange chapel hours and meditation times. In a day or two […]

The BEMA (βῆμα, בּימה ): Chiefly on Prayer

The BEMA (βῆμα, בּימה ): Chiefly on Prayer In the Cave of the Heart: This is the title of John Michael Talbot’s song written for Christians who pray and meditate, or better, meditate as prayer. This week one newspaper management columnist advised readers to make a “cave” for reflection and rest. His advice was to turn off […]