What’s Happening

Here are some of the things happening in March. From more details check out our EVENTS PAGE Tuesday March 4th Men’s Study 7pm at Mission Heights (8321 Mission Heights Dr) Wednesday March 5th Start of Lent: (Lent reflections) Lent Weekly Prayer at 7pm at Highland Park Kid’s Morning Our Indoor Playground from 10am -12pm at […]

Book Study- How To Read The Bible For All Its Worth

If you are wanting to join in on the summer book study you can hope on over to our new website where we have the daily reflection questions as well you can share thoughts and ask questions. Head over to: Book Study Online

Upcoming Events

As we kick off the New year, here are a couple of things happening that you can be a part of: Kid’s Morning Out Free indoor playground for kids ages 0-5 10-Noon at Highland Park every Wednesday Men’s Study Starting Jan 23rd at 7pm at Mission Heights. February Daily Reflections Every day in February there […]

Christmas 2023

This year we are doing Christmas Eve services a bit differntly. Highland Park We will only have a 10am service at Highland Park Mission Heights There will be service only at 7pm and there is no 10am service Christmas Day There will not be services at either site. Hope you all have a blessed Christmas […]

Musical Starts This Week!

This Friday is the first performance of our musical “Welcome to Bethlehem”. It is a show for all ages and focuses around hope. We have 4 shows that all start at 7pm. Admission is at the door by donation to MyLuVPak (find out more about MyLuvPak)

Learn about Finances

On Oct 14th, we are having a financial basics class led by a CPA (Trevor Davis) and a successful businessman (Reg Dodd). Thwy will both share thoughts on how to best manage your finances and things they have learned from their past experiences. This will start at 9am on Oct 14th.

A Christmas Musical

This year we are planning to put on a musical during the Christmas season. We hope to put on 4 performances of it in December. We are looking for all kinds of help. If you are interested in helping in any way please reach out to Dave using the contact info above.

Alan & Sheena 40th Celebration

Use the form beloew to say thanks to Alan and Sheena, and to share any special memories you have. Loading…

Camps For 2023

Yeehaw! It is official! The camp season is upon us. This year we are having 3 camps. An overnight Teen camp from July 10-14th, a Kids day camp from July 17-21st, and a Rookie day camp from July 24-26th. The prices for camp are as follows Teen Camp- $200, Kids Camp $100, and Rookie camp […]