Father to the Fatherless

After reading Psalm 68, Alan shares something the Spirit spoke to him. Am I being a father to the fatherless, a defender of widows? Then he asked himself this question: Do you like the idea of being a follower of Christ more than the action of being a follower of Christ?

Labour of Love

Do you get stuck in routines and everyday duties? These are not bad things, but often we find ourselves trudging along through them. Our purpose is to labour in love and help those who need it, and sometimes when we can pour love into helping someone who really needs a person to walk with them, it gives us the ability to approach our everyday tasks with new energy and passion.

Name Above – Original Song

In Philippians 2, Jesus is described as being exalted to the highest place and is given a name is above every name. As Easter approaches, Dave reflects on this and wrote this song.

Healing and Protection

Band Aids exist to help heal and protect wounds. Likewise we can be a “band-aid” for those we live around. We can provide healing and care with comforting words and generous actions. We can protect by encouraging and supporting those who are vulnerable. How can we live out a calling to love others and bring healing and protection to their lives?

How Do You Handle Tough Questions

We are called to address the difficult topics and questions this world asks with well formulated responses. Jesus was know for doing it with grace and truth. How do you tackle hard questions?

2 Corinthians 10:4-5

I Don’t Like What God Did

How do we look at things when God does things we don’t like. We encounter stories in the bible when we see God act strongly, so how do we reconcile a compassionate and loving God with times when we see him pour out his wrath?

How Does Faith Work?

If we have faith, it must show up in what we do and how we live.

Part 1 of 3 on Faith, Hope & Love
from 1 Thessalonians 1:3.

Is the Kingdom Growing in Your Heart?

Alan encourages us to consider how God’s Kingdom expands not only in the world but in our hearts and lives. Read: Luke 13:20-21

It’s Not About What You Don’t Do

We often get stuck in regulations and rules, and we start to view life through the lens of limitation. How can we change our outlook and embrace the call to love God and love others?

How Can You Keep From Getting Distracted?

How do we get distracted by the things of life? How, then, do we keep Jesus as our focus in the midst of the daily grind? Take time to identify those things that turn your eyes away from Him.