What’s Bigger Than Your Problems?

On the spot where Alan was rushed by a moose, he reflects on how in the midst of our storms, we don’t have to worry. As we learn to rely on something bigger than ourselves and our situations. Read: Matthew 7:24-27

Listen: “My Feet Are On The Rock” – I Am They

Donkeys and Grace

Alan asks us to notice how we can help others, especially during this time of responsible distancing.
Read: Exodus 23:5-24.
Remember: Living lives of grace and love is what God wants from us.

Speak Truth

Mark encourages us to speak the truth to each other, and not shy away from tough conversations that will bring health to our relationships and communities.

Read: Ephesians 4 (emphasis on verse 25)

I Mean Well But . . .

Often our hearts are in the right place and we come into things desiring the best, but sometimes things still don’t work out like we plan. How can we take our well meaning hearts and align them with what God wants to do? Chris Thompson shares about this in relation to what he sees in Peter’s life in Mark 8.

Smooth Seas Ahead

In life and scripture, seas are often turbulent, but Revelation offers a different pictures of the scary waters as we enter the throne room of God. Reference Revelation Chapters 4 & 22

Laying It Down For Unity

Unity is essential and we are called to lay down our power and even our freedoms to lift those around us. How can we lay down our power in order to love and serve?

Trusting the One In Charge

Scott reflects on car problems, life problems, and what can bring us reassurance.
Reference: Revelation 4

Lean On Me

Moses held a stick to bring Israel to victory, but only succeeded through the support of friends.

What are you carrying that you need friends to lean on? Victory is not a lonely journey if we don’t allow it to be, although it does not mean it will be easy.


Our Creative Arts Director Dave Duinker shares a thought followed by a song of the Lord’s Prayer from Luke 11. Song begins at 2:52.

Are You Serious?

How aware are we of how we use our words? Alan reminds us of the importance and the power of our words. How does our speech praise God and bless others?