Are You Triggered?

When you feel triggered it is important to recognize it and take a step back. As we try to calm ourselves we must allow space for God to speak to and shape our hearts. Chris reflects on Psalm 46.


In this time when we see conspiracy theories, fighting and division it is hard to feel certain about anything. Chris reflects on Psalm 33, where we see God as the creator of all things and that nothing can thwart his plans.

Praise Ye The Lord

This phrase is not only a call to engage in worshiping the Lord, but also a invitation for others to join in. This is the thought that inspired the song Dave shared previously called “Calling All Breathers” taken from Psalm 150.

Calling All Breathers

Dave Duinker shares a song based from Psalm 150, an invitation to enter into worship.


Alan Jones speaks about feelings that arise when we are faced with difficult circumstances. How can we allow our response to be shaped by Christ’s love, who endured the cross because of the love he had for us.

My Way or the Highway

It is easy to brush off ideas that are not our own, and to push ideas that are our own. Being responsible for causing disputes, rivalry, or quarreling that lead to a breaking of relationships amongst brothers and sisters is detestable to God.

Be teachable, able to hear wisdom, and patient, always leaving space for relationship beyond disagreement. Proverbs 6:16-19

Highway I35 Song

Dave Duinker shares a song based on his reading from Isaiah 35.

Isaiah 35

Dave Duinker reads Isaiah 35 andf points out that gladness and joy are things God wants to lavish on us.

Seeking Smiles

While trying to rediscover old trails, Alan invites us to seek God’s face and find that he looks upon us with compassion and grace.

Unintentional Split Allegiance

1 Kings 18

Israel takes on two national religions, both claim to have the one true god. YAWAH and Ba’al. They cannot both have the right to this claim. YAWAH shows His sovereignty. But Israel is still guilty of splitting the allegiance of the nation to God. In what ways do we split our allegiance to YAWAH?