What are you leaning on?

Chris reflects on this question after reading Proverbs 3:5-6. As you go through this week consider what it is you are leaning on and how you can lean on God’s strength.

How Do I Handle Disappointment with God?

How do we handle disappointment with God when we don’t feel like he is working the way we want him to. 4 ways we can walk in the faith through times of disappointment.


Dave shares a song from Psalm 3 that reminds us that God lifts us, and gives us rest.

Joy in Hardship

How does God work in the midst of hardship? Alan examines this in light of the book of Habakkuk.

Do Not Be Afraid

As we move beyond the Christmas season and into a New Year full of possibilities. Let the words of the Angels, “Do Not Be Afraid”, remind us to trust in Jesus and to let go of fear.

Humbled before God

When our focus becomes money, smarts, anything that builds up our pride and opposes the humble God we serve, we then become someone who is in need of being humbled. It is for our own good. What is our focus? Isaiah 3:7-9

The Cost

The grace God gives us is free, but it had a tremendous cost. Chris asks us to consider the cost we are willing to endure in order for people to know the love and grace of God

How Pagan Are We?

Loving our enemies is hard, but it is our calling. Are we taking that seriously? Matthew 5:44


Dave shares a song about the Shepherd’s experience of encountering the Angels and their song.

How Will You Praise God Today?

Alan meditates on Psalm 148 and how great it is is to join in with all creation in praise and worshiping God.