Mary’s Song

Dave shares a song he wrote taken from Mary’s Magnificat(her response to finding out she will be Jesus’ mother)

Holy, holy, holy

God is so Holy, so set apart from anything or anyone else, that it is only by God’s cleansing grace that we can even be in his presence!

Heaven and Earth- Preview of Mark’s Message

An animated video from the Bible Project explaining some of what Mark will be speaking about in his message on Sunday Dec 27th. God is bringing Heaven and Earth together and we all are called to be “pockets” of Heaven here on Earth.

An Endless Source of Love

A clip from Malorie’s message on Dec 20th, 2020 that highlights the endless love God has for us, and how as we are drenched in that love we are then able to share that love with others.

Christmas Love

A parent’s journey sparks a thought about the Christmas and what it says about God’s love.

Receive & Give Joy

Take a moment to ponder Isaiah 61 with Dave and remember that God blesses so we can bless.