Daily Reflection – Christian Hope

Have you ever thought about the complex family line of Jesus? Scott contemplates this and what it means for us today.

Read: Romans 8:28, 2 Timothy 2:8

Remember: As bad as things things may look to us, God brings life from the dead.

Daily Reflection – God Still Loves You

Chris shares a great reminder first thing in the morning: Even at your worst, God still loves you!

Read: Romans 5:8

Daily Reflection – A Question of Time

Join Scott in considering how our time and attention are affected by our calling.

Read: 2 Timothy 2:3-7

Take some time to consider where God’s calling you to focus your time and attention during this season.

Daily Reflection – Empathetic God

Have you ever felt like being a Christian is like climbing a ladder and you keep falling off?

Mark encourages us with a powerful reminder from Hebrews 4:14-16.

Daily Reflection – Money & Knowing God

Alan invites us to meditate on Jeremiah 22 and ask ourselves reflection questions about our resources and what we do with them.

Daily Reflection – Check Your Heart

Dave reminds us that the heart is where stuff happens, and challenges us to take stock of where we are at as Christians.

Read: Proverbs 4:20-23, Jeremiah 17:9

Take time to reflect regularly, and be honest with yourself. Pay attention to any Holy-Spirit nudges to getting you back on track.