Daily Reflection – Alternator

Mark reminds us that we can’t do it all on your own strength.

Read: John7:37

How can you boost or charge your battery this week? How can you stay connected to the ultimate alternator?

Daily Reflection – Honesty in Prayer

Dave reflects on the prayer of Jacob in Genesis 32 before he is meets his brother Esau.

Remember, and be encouraged that you can be 100% yourself in prayer. Thankfulness, praise, fear, anger, whatever you’re going through – just pour it all out to God!

Daily Reflection – Changed Clothing

Contrasting clothing and responses to Jesus in the crucifixion accounts cause Alan to ponder the undeserved grace and forgiveness of God.

May you be filled with the hope of resurrection and worship Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Daily Reflection – The Best & Worst Prophet

Sometimes we hold on to bitterness and don’t know how to handle God’s great grace for others. Today, Mark reflects on the book of Jonah and gives us a challenge: rejoice in God’s compassion and embody it for the world.

Daily Reflection – Release Forgiveness

Alan reminds us of the great gift of forgiveness.

“And whenever you stand praying, if you find that you carry something in your heart against another person, release him and forgive him so that your Father in heaven will also release you and forgive you of your faults.” – Mark 11:25 TPT

Daily Reflection – Shout Out

Join Dave in his greenhouse for an evening reflection on Psalm 92.

May you grow strong in the Lord, bear fruit, and play an important role for the next generation.

Daily Reflection – High and Lowly

Today Scott shares a scripture that resonated with him as he read a reflection by Beth Moore.

Read: Isaiah 57:15

Daily Reflection – Strong in Grace

Scott asks us to ponder what it means to “be strong in grace”.

Read: 2 Timothy 2:1

Listen to the Petra song Scott mentioned: https://youtu.be/bhqf9X7X_6c