Daily Reflection – Knowing God

Laurel continues the devotional journey through Job and invites us to pause with her to acknowledge what we know about God.

Read: Job 19:25

Ask yourself: Am I passionate about what I know about God? What do I know “deep down”?

Daily Reflection – Serving

Explore with Scott a parable Jesus told about a master who wants to serve his servants. Ask yourself: Am I living a generous life in line with God’s heart?

Daily Reflection – Bring Peace

Building on his last reflection, Mark talks about how we can not only experience peace, but share it with others.

Read: Matthew 5:1-12

Try: Ask God to show you ways you can be a peacemaker this week.

Daily Reflection – Source of Peace

Join Mark in exploring the concept of peace and how we can experience it.

Read: Isaiah 26:3

Ask yourself: Do I have faith that God is involved in everything?

Daily Reflection – Judgement

Explore some words of Jesus about judgement and consider with Alan what it means for your own journey.