Daily Reflection – Check Yourself

Scott shares some Bible stores that help us think about our lives and motives.

Read: Luke 7

Ask yourself: Is my life marked by love or something else?

Daily Reflection – Renewal

Mark encourages us today with an object lesson in the sun.

Read: Romans 12 (emphasis on verse 2)

Daily Reflection – God’s Glory

Contemplate Psalm 26 with Alan and what “your house” really means.

Ask yourself: How are you loving the church, the people of God?

Quote of the Day

View this post on Instagram This quote is sure challenging. What do you think? Is this true in your #covid19 experience? #qotd PS: We love to pray for you. Send us your concerns and celebration stories! A post shared by GP Church of Christ (@gpcofc) on May 12, 2020 at 6:46am PDT

Daily Reflection – No Regrets

Alan challenges us to read Hannah’s prayer in 1 Samuel and live lives of grace and love so there’s no regrets when life comes to an end.

1 Samuel 17:1

View this post on Instagram God’s grace weaves a beautiful tapestry of our lives when all we see is a tangle of threads. What’s your story? We’d love to hear from you! #somebodytestify A post shared by GP Church of Christ (@gpcofc) on May 11, 2020 at 6:07am PDT

Daily Reflection – Getting Closer

Laurel continues her devotional journey through the book of Job and asks us to consider how God is initiating relationship with us.

Read: Job 14:15

Romans 8:38-39

View this post on Instagram Today is a good day to remember this: God loves you with a Never-Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love. ❤️ #mothersday A post shared by GP Church of Christ (@gpcofc) on May 10, 2020 at 6:24am PDT

Daily Reflection – What Are You Noticing?

Join Mark in exploring the challenge of Philippians 4:8 and surrounding verses!

Try: Pay attention to the good things in your life and celebrate what God has done!