Good Friday

Chris reflects on Good Friday and on how far God was willing to go to restore to relationship with us, and also how the story doesn’t end on the cross. Our God is a god of resurrection, of new life. How can we be a people of the resurrection as we reflect on all that he has done?

Draw Near- Thought and Song

Dave has an interesting relationship with the book of James. He loves its content but wrestles with its delivery. Through James 4:8-10 Dave challenges us to humble ourselves and draw near to God.

What Does God Want?

God does not ask for lavish offerings and expensive gifts. He desires to have us bring our unadorned praise to him and to sing and dance for joy out of our love for who he is and what he has done. How will your lift up your praise to him today?

A Clean Slate

As we approach Easter, Mark invites us to look forward to remember what Jesus has done for us. To remember that it is he that restores and renews us, and who washes us clean.

Isaiah 1:18

How to Have Powerful Prayers

Moving mountains requires faith but it also requires to have grace and mercy for others. How can we take stock of our own hearts and give thanks for the forgiveness we have received? How can our unwillingness to forgive others hinder the effectiveness and power of our prayers? Take time to reflect on the grace […]

Do You Really Want To See?

Sometimes we close our eyes because we don’t want to we see things as they are. Sometimes we close our eyes because we don’t want to face something challenging. We need to ask ourselves if we want to see things as Jesus does, and if we do we need to come to him. To ask him to give us his sight, and to give us his heart so that once we see things as he does we can then act in a manner that reveals who he is.

Do you want Justice?

We all desire to see justice for the oppressed and to see things set right. Christians are called to seek justice, pursue justice, and love justice. This is because we serve a just God. So we need to be agents of justice by seeking to set things right. To help those in need, rescue those in trouble, and heal broken hearts.

Proverbs 21:15

How do you see God in the mundane things of life?

Alan was reading a “mundane” passage in his daily bible reading and was struck by how he sometimes misses the amazing things God does in the regular things we encounter everyday.

The Importance of Trees – Who are you feeding?

Who’s lives are we nourishing with the fruit we produce, and how are we being nourished?

The Bible has a flowing theme of the importance of tree’s. Trees that produce fruit specifically.
An image that starts in Genesis and flows through the whole bible. Fruit trees bring sustenance, and allow for nourishment.

The Israelites were even forbidden to destroy fruit tree’s or orchards in times of war. Deuteronomy 20:19