Here I Am

How do we respond to God’s call especially in times where we don’t even know what that is? Chris shares some thoughts that arose from his recent reading.

What Are You Afraid Of ?

Alan Jones talks about fear and asks about how many times we have been afraid to use the things that God has put in our hands? How can we use the possessions, talents, and time God has given us for him to work through us?

Covenant Keeper

Dave Duinker shares a song about God’s faithfulness and how he keeps his promises even when we do not.

God’s Promises

Dave Duinker looks at God’s promises. How he made a promise to David, and how God has been faithful to his promise even in the midst of people’s failure.

No Moses

Chris re-examines his understanding of Moses and how he saw himself when God called him to bring the Israelites out of Egypt. Exodus 3 and 4

Joyful Thankfulness

In the midst of mundane daily routines, it is important to remain thankful for the gifts our Father has given us. It brings joy to a mundane moment in life and allows us to see the goodness of God in and around us.

Colossians 2:6-7

Words of Blessing

How can you use your speech, your gifts and your position to bring blessing into the lives of others?
Reflections on Genesis chapter 49 and Psalm 20.

Rust on the Sword

More wisdom for the rusty truck. Alan has spoken about God’s armour but how rusty is our armour? How rusty is our Sword ? Take time to get into the Word and get some shine back.

Give Thanks

Dave shares a song based from Psalm 136.