Has God Let His Armour Rust?

Another thought from the rusty truck. Looking at the armour of God and relating to times where it feels like God is not in action. In light of Isaiah 59, maybe God is waiting upon us to take action to fight injustice and stand for the truth?

Jesus is Lord

We pledge our fealty(sworn loyalty) to the Lord and in return we are taken under his wings and experience his promises of grace and forgiveness. We like to receive that grace, but do we like to hold up our end of the bargain?

The Foundation on the Rock

The wise person builds their foundation on Jesus’ words and puts his teaching into action. What are you seeking to build upon?
Matthew 7:24-27

When God Stops You

Sometimes the Holy Spirit stops you in your tracks in order to draw your attention to an important truth.

Are You Keeping Silent?

In Psalm 32 David describes his bones wasting away and strength being sapped because he did not bring his confession God. How are we holding onto things that we need to let go of to God? How also can we speak and allow others to carry our burdens with us?

Psalm 136

Notice the pattern in the Psalm that God’s love is everlasting and remember what the focus of that love is you and I!

Called To Bless, Not Oppress

God’s justice and judgment is necessary and beautiful. We can carry out justice and be correcting the injustice in the lives of those around us in practical ways.

Isaiah 3:10-11

Life Will Swallow up Death

Alan shares another thought around the burnt out truck. How life can spring forth out of death and that as we suffer trauma or pain, life can rise out of it.

Fear and Being a Child of God

We are declared to be children of God, and as such we are called not to live in fear. Chris explores this idea from Romans 8:14-16.

Holy, holy, holy

God is so Holy, so set apart from anything or anyone else, that it is only by God’s cleansing grace that we can even be in his presence!