Daily Reflection – God Heal Me

Mark invites us to pray with him for God’s healing using the words of the prophet Jeremiah.

Read: Jeremiah 17:14

Daily Reflection – Expectations

Disappointment comes when our expectations are not met. Alan reflects on this in light of a parable Jesus told.

Read: Mark 4:1–20

Daily Reflection – A Reason to Extend Grace

Opinions abound and it’s inevitable that we will not see eye-to-eye with everyone all the time. Scott encourages us to be gracious and forgiving toward one another.

Read: Ephesians 4:32

Daily Reflection – Healing

An account of Jesus healing the deaf and mute causes Alan to think about other types of deafness and difficulty speaking.

Read: Mark 7

Daily Reflection – Words That Build

Scott encourages us to prayerfully consider the words that we speak. How are you benefitting others with your word choices, tone, approach?

Read: Ephesians 4:29

Daily Reflection – Beyond Worthy

Alan shares a passage that has been formational to him in his experience and understanding of worship.

Read: Ecclesiastes 5, 2 Corinthians 6:18

Check out the book Alan mentions: Living on the Ragged Edge by Chuck Swindoll