Daily Reflection – What is Holiness?

Mark encourages us today with a reflection on holiness, and how it’s not actually about working hard to be special of good enough for God.

Daily Reflection – Chosen & Blessed

Scott is back from a few days off and shares some thoughts on blessings and thankfulness.

Read: Ephesians 1:3-6

Try: Take some time to contemplate how God has blessed you! Memorize Ephesians 1:3 as another anchor verse for your journey.

Daily Reflection – Hope for Sinners

We’ve all missed the mark of perfection, but Alan encourages us today with the Good News!

Read: Psalm 15 & Romans 5

Daily Reflection – What Trips You Up?

Alan shares what God’s been challenging him with this past week while reading the long lists and details in the Old Testament.

Daily Reflection – Safe & Secure

Being established and remaining firm in God’s grace is something Alan’s been journalling about lately.

Read: Romans 5

Daily Reflection – Person of Action

Take a walk with Alan and ponder the 1 Chronicles account of King David gathering building materials and wisdom.