Daily Reflection – Direction

Alan contemplates the flow of Acts 7 and 8 and how the direction of of our hearts can shape our futures.

Daily Reflection – A Heart Issue

Wrapping up this series of reflections on the ten commandments, Scott explores Exodus 20:17 and challenges us to examine our hearts.

Try: Track your desires and ask yourself if you are content?

Daily Reflection – Check Your Story

Explore the 9th Commandment with Scott and consider the narratives we listen to and tell.

Read: Exodus 20; John 8:31-32; Ephesians 4:25

Remember: Tell true stories to yourself and others!

Daily Reflection – Stuff vs People

Scott explores the 8th Commandment and the issue of exploiting people for the sake of stuff.

Read: Exodus 20 and Ephesians 4

Daily Reflection – Covenant

Consider with Scott the importance of faithfulness and the hurt of violations in light of the 7th Commandment.

Read: Exodus 20 (emphasis on verse 14) and Ezekiel 16:8b

Remember: Give dignity to other human beings by practicing faithfulness.

Daily Reflection – Let Peace In

Malorie shares with us the idea of allowing Christ’s peace to flood our hearts like sunshine and air comes in through an open window.

Read: Colossians 3:15

Daily Reflection – Sounds Easy, But…

Scott continues the devotional journey through the Ten Commandments by considering the depth behind “do not murder”.

Read: Exodus 20 (emphasis on verse 13)

Remember: Watch the ways you talk about people