Daily Reflection – It’s Gonna be OK

Alan shares an encouraging thought that grew out of a reading from Thursday Morning Prayer.

Read: Psalm 29

Remember: Our circumstances are not too much for God!

Daily Reflection – Night is Almost Over

Today Malorie encourages us to celebrate the “already” of new creation, and joyfully anticipate the “not yet” that we know is coming.

Read: Romans 13:12

Daily Reflection – Stop!

Scott explores some key ideas from the fourth commandment found in Exodus 20.

Remember: Sabbath is about stopping and acknowledging the intrinsic value of human beings, and God’s desire to fill Creation with His presence.

Daily Reflection – God’s Name

Scott talks about the broader meaning of #3 of the Ten Commandments and challenges us to live out of our identity as God’s blessed kids.

Read: Exodus 20

Daily Reflection – God’s Pruning

Alan challenges us to avoid turning Jesus’ words into a burden!

Read: John 15

Remember: The fruit Jesus wants to see in you is the fruit of God’s love.