Daily Reflection – God’s Glory

Contemplate Psalm 26 with Alan and what “your house” really means.

Ask yourself: How are you loving the church, the people of God?

Daily Reflection – No Regrets

Alan challenges us to read Hannah’s prayer in 1 Samuel and live lives of grace and love so there’s no regrets when life comes to an end.

Daily Reflection – Getting Closer

Laurel continues her devotional journey through the book of Job and asks us to consider how God is initiating relationship with us.

Read: Job 14:15

Daily Reflection – What Are You Noticing?

Join Mark in exploring the challenge of Philippians 4:8 and surrounding verses!

Try: Pay attention to the good things in your life and celebrate what God has done!

Daily Reflection – Come and See

Take a walk with Alan and consider a scenario from John 1 and how it applies to our lives today.

Daily Reflection – Doorways of Darkness

Alan contemplates how we each have our own doorways that Satan wants to use to enter our lives, and what God wants to do about it.

Read: Luke 22:3, Psalm 90:8

Try: Ask God to expose and close up the doorways of darkness in your heart and life.

Daily Reflection – Storms

Join Scott in reflecting on some storms and miracles of the Bible, and consider how God is at work in the storms of your own life.

Daily Reflection – Walk with the Wise

Alan shares another thought that grew from his personal devotions and journal.

Read: Proverbs 13:20

Try: Watch for people in your life who have wisdom you can learn from.