Daily Reflection – Donkeys & Grace

Alan asks us to notice how we can help others, especially during this time of responsible distancing.

Read: Exodus 23:5-24.

Remember: Living lives of grace and love is what God wants from us.

Daily Reflection – Grace & Truth

Mark explores the idea of being full of BOTH grace and truth.

Read: John 1:13

Ask yourself: Am I bringing healing or division when I speak the truth?

Daily Reflection – God’s Promises

Malorie asks us to take the time we have been given to consider what has God promised us.

Read: Psalm 18:30

“Let God’s promises shine on your problems” – Corrie Ten Boom

Daily Reflection – No More Chains

Scott shares about the struggle to learn obedience to God in taking every thought captive and receiving freedom in Christ.

Read: 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Daily Reflection – Jesus Calling?

Laurel invites us to join her in continuing her devotional journey through John and notice where God has been calling our names.

Read: John 20:11-17