Daily Reflection – Loss & Presence

Andrew addresses the “elephant in the room” and challenges us to press into the presence of God.

Read: Isaiah 41:10, Joshua 1:9, Psalm 23:4, Psalm 46:1, Deuteronomy 31:6

Listen to “Centuries” by Aaron Strumpel here:

Daily Reflection – God’s Character

Ponder with Troy: What do all the specifics in scripture really tell us about God?

Read: Exodus 25–31 and 35–40

Daily Reflection – Jesus and Social Distancing

Let’s go for a walk with Alan!

Read: Mark 5:21-34 /Luke 8:41-49

Ask yourself: How am I responding to Jesus? Am I distantly observing? Am I getting closer, in proximity? Or am I reaching out to touch Him personally?

Daily Reflection – The Comforter

Often the life we’re called to live isn’t cozy or comfortable, and the emotions that go with upheaval and challenges can be hard to handle. But God has promised us that we have an ever-present Helper who walks with us and urges us onward in uncertainty.

Malorie shares some thoughts growing from her favourite devotional book, Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing

Read: John 14:15-21 (Emphasis on verse 16)



Photo: Bayeux Tapestry of 1066 “Bishop Odo Comforts His Troops”

Daily Reflection – Sabbath of Sabbaths

Andrew shares his perspective on the physical isolation aspect of the coronavirus pandemic we are facing as a society.

Sources: Leviticus 25:1-7, 26:33-35, 2Chronicles 36:20-21

Read & Contemplate: Psalm 103:2-4 & James 4:8

Daily Reflection – John 12:15

Laurel shares a personal contemplation on how God is with us in both fear and joy.

Read: John 12:15 &  Zechariah 9:9

Try: Writing a letter to God, or making a list of your fears, and then notice how Jesus comes to be with you in the midst of it all.

Daily Reflection – God is Faithful

Has this season of social distancing and self isolation forced you to improvise, learn new things, or face some challenges?

Us too.

For today’s reflection, Mark reminds us of the story of Gideon and how God is ALWAYS at work to bring victory.

Read: Judges 7

1 Samuel 2:2

This verse is a good reminder for us all, especially in times of isolation, fear or uncertainty.

We’d love to hear how you have been resting in God’s goodness during this time.

Message us with a story, song or section of scripture that’s been resonating with you this week!