Growing Up thought From Scott

For this weeks post Scott shares some biblical characteristics of maturity from Ephesians 4: 15-32 that give us examples of what it means to grow up in our faith so that we can make a difference in our world.

What Are You Passionate About?

What are you passionate about making a difference in? What areas do you feel drawn to to make a difference? How can God use you to impact this world? These are thoughts that arise out the people of God taking hold of the calling to be the church. Where we engage this world with the passion and love of Christ so that they may see and know the deep and everlasting love that God has for them in Jesus Christ.

Day 7 Ambition to be Salty

As we finish our reflection on ambition we reflect today on Saltiness. How are we salty as we seek to be living sacrifices as we face tough times? How also can we live together in peace and relationship?

Day 4 – Ambition to Humbly Unify

Day 4 of our Reflection on Ambition. How can we have ambition that seeks to bring people together in humility?

Day 3 – Ambition to Value Others

Day 3 of our reflections on Ambition. Today how can we have ambition to value others and to demonstrate that value in how we treat them?

Day 2 – Ambition to be a Servant

The 2nd day of our reflections on Ambition and lining our ambitions up with what the Ambitions of Jesus are.

Day 1 Ambition to Grow

As part of the Challenge from Alan on Sunday, let’s take time each day this week to reflect on the ambitions from Mark 9:30-50. We are posting the clips from the sermon each day to help refresh what Alan shared.


Scott challenges us with the idea that our abundance is an opportunity to bless other people.
We are all rich in some way, but the question is what are we going to do with our wealth?

Are You In Lo-Debar?

Alan encourages us with a reflection from the Old Testament. Sometimes it feels like we have lost everything, but remember: the King of the Universe wants to care for us.

Read: 2 Samuel 9

Core Truth

Scott encourages us to allow God to tell us the truth about who we are and reminds us that because we are right with God we can head with confidence into whatever’s next.

Read: Ephesians 6 (emphasis on the Breastplate of Righteousness)