Youth Group Recurring

Drop In Sports Night Recurring

Kid’s Morning Out Recurring
A free, drop in indoor playground for kids ages 0-5. Adults can enjoy a coffee/tea while the kids climb on the bouncy houses. Every Wednesday from 10am until noon.

Creative Curiousity Gathering
Those who are curious about Creativity and it’s many forms and processes are invited to join us in the Church fellowship hall on Saturday, March 22nd at 10 -11:30 am for our Creative Curiosity gathering! We have 3 presenters who will share a short presentation or demo about something they enjoy creating.This will be an […]

Annual Financial Meeting

Meal Pack 2025 Featured
Another opportunity for us to come together and make a difference! On April 26 we will be creating over 40,000 meal packs to send overseas to people in desperate need. Here’s What We Need To Do! Step 1- Raise $16,000 to buy the supplies Step 2- Sign up to help back on April 26th and […]

Camp Cleanup
Our Annual Spring cleanup of the camp. No matter what skills or abilities you have to offer we can use the help! Plus we provide lunch.