What’s Happening

Here are some of the things happening in June

Wednesday June 5th
Last Christian Life & Witness Class
7pm at Highland Park in Fellowship Hall

Thursday June 6th
Youth Group for grades 7-12 at 7pm
Highland Park (9602-92 Ave)

Tuesday June 11th
Women’s Gathering Spring Tea at 715pm
Highland Park
Theme is Loving Ourselves

Wednesday June 12th
Prayer Night at 7pm
Highland Park
Come to pray or to be prayed for

Thursday June 13th
Final Youth Group for grades 7-12 at 7pm
At Pineridge Adventure Camp

Saturday June 15th
Camp Clean Up at 930am
Lunch is Provided and we can use people of all skill levels and ages

Wednesday June 19th
Finance Class with Reg Dodd
Highland Park at 7pm
A class where Reg shares his knowledge about investing for the future, managing risk and navigating the stock market.

Saturday June 22nd
Seniors Day at the Camp starting at 2pm
Archery and Painting Classes followed by supper at 6pm and entertainment by the Fehr sisters

Sunday June 23rd
Annual Meeting at 7pm
At Mission Heights