I Made A Book. None Of The Content Is Mine. I think it started in Grade 3 Sunday School. I had teachers who would pay us to learn scriptures. Ok…that is a misrepresentation. I had teachers who would offer prizes if we memorized all of the memory verses. The first one bought us little […]
Jeremy’s Farewell
I’ve done a lot of work with branding and marketing over the years. The challenge is the same for every client: distilling a complicated web of people and services down to a single clear idea, centred around an all-important question.
What are we here to do?
When I got involved with the camp, the answer seemed…
No Hands but Our Hands

… I get asked a lot how camp was this year. I usually paint a positive picture. Seventy-four bright young souls came into deeper contact with Jesus Christ. They were taught from His Word, and fed with His love. There was fun, silliness, and adventure. All walked away happy. Perfect, right?
It would be, if that’s how the story ended…