I am so pleased when you put your trust in Me. My heart swells in delight over you. I love it when you sit with me and allow me to speak to you. There is power in my words for they are truth. Come and talk with me again. O Lord. I hear your words […]
Reflections on Revival – Oct.9
Dear child. I have amazing things planned for you. AMAZING! Your prayers for impossible things are possible because I CAN DO IT! Keep on believing in me. Keep on trusting me. I hear you and I am answering your prayers. Don’t rely on what you see but on who I am. O Lord. I am […]
Reflections on Revival – Oct.2

Dear child. You struggle with the thought of not being adequate. Let me tell you that that is right where I want you – inadequate. It is when you are not ‘enough’ that I can reveal my power and might through you. Take heart for I AM sufficient for every situation in your life. Trust […]
Reflections on Revival – Sep.25
Revival. Dear child. You are frightened to obey me. Why? Do you not know that I am right beside you and I will fill you with strength to obey me? Keep your eyes fixed on mine; I will walk with you. Choose to trust me. I will not disappoint you. O Lord. I am afraid! […]
Reflections on Revival – Sep.18
Dear child. How can I speak to me when you have no ears to hear me? And how can you obey me when you can’t hear me? Turn to me and let my words bring you life. My words are rich and vibrant. Let me speak to you! O Lord. I long to hear you […]
Irene’s HopeCC Update

Its early evening and my head is jerking, nodding out of control as I fight sleep. Jet lag is one of the hard aspects of making a trip to HopeCC but do I go again? For sure! It is always amazing to see what changes are happening there and the presence of God is seen […]
Reflections on Revival #57

Revival. Revival. Dear child, why do you mistrust Me when you don’t understand what is happening in life? You withdraw and turn your back on Me. I love you more than you can ever know! I always have and I always will. I know what is happening and the timing is perfect. I hold you […]
Reflections on Revival #56

Revival. Do you know that my heart breaks just like yours when your loved ones don’t follow Me? I died for them! How I long for them to turn to Me. Keep praying for them. I hear your tears and I am the great I AM! Keep putting them into my hands and trusting Me. […]
Reflections on Revival #55
Revival. Do you know that my heart breaks just like yours when your loved ones don’t follow Me? I died for them! How I long for them to turn to Me. Keep praying for them. I hear your tears and I am the great I AM! Keep putting them into my hands and trusting Me. […]
Reflections on Revival #53
Revival. Why do you look into the mirror and shudder at what you see? Do you not know that I created you just the way you are? You are beautiful! You are my delight! You are the apple of my eye! My love for you overwhelms my heart. You are MY CHILD! Accept my love. […]