Revival. Be ready for a new beginning. This year is done and another one begins. I have great plans for you and remember that My ways are not your ways. Commit your life into my hands. Choose to trust Me for only I know you intimately and with purpose. Let me breathe my life into […]
Reflections on Revival #42
Revival. What huge excitement when my Son Jesus came into the world! The angels rejoiced! I sent Him not to condemn the world but so that you can be saved. It hurts me so when you think that I want to sentence you. My plan is to bring you life not death! Receive my gift […]
Reflections on Revival #41
Revival. So much celebrating and yet your heart is heavy. Do you know why I sent baby Jesus? So that He would live among you; Emmanuel. He knows exactly what it feels like to live in the midst of chaos. That’s why He spent time with me, to receive my peace. He died so that […]
Reflections on Revival #40

Revival. My heart becomes so sad every time you turn to others or go to ‘google’ instead of my face. I know all things and I have all answers. Come to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know (Jer.33:3). Come to Me! I know […]
Reflections on Revival #39
Revival. Be alert for the devil seeks to destroy you and your household. He is a liar and deceiver. He roars but has no teeth! I am the Victor and have defeated him. Put on my armour and stand tall for nothing can win over my Truth. Let me breathe my life into your being. […]
Reflections on Revival #38

Revival. There are treasures in the darkness, secret riches (Is.45:3). Do you know that? Seek for Me and you will find me there. My Presence is in the darkness. I am your tender strength, carrying you every step. Can you feel my strong arms of love embracing you? I am there with you breathing life […]
Reflections on Revival #37
Revival. My heart becomes so sad every time you turn to others or go to ‘google’ instead of my face. I know all things and I have all answers. Come to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know (Jer.33:3). Come to Me! I know […]
Reflections on Revival #36

Revival. Pick up your mat and walk! Enough lying around. Get up and get to work for I will fill you with power. You are forgiven! No need to mope around for today I have come to give you life. Receive my forgiveness and start walking. Victory awaits you. Step forward. Do it! I am […]
Reflections on Revival #35

Revival. Do you know that I am preparing a place for you? This earth is not your home, you are passing through. So run with perseverance and courage. Let go of those things that slow you down in this race to the finish line. I am waiting for you. I am so proud of you […]
Reflections on Revival #34
Revival. Do you not know that nothing is impossible for Me? Nothing. I created the glorious sunrise and the newborn child. I hold creation in my hand and have numbered all your days. I think about you all the time (Ps.139:17-18). I want to do the impossible in your life. I can do it. Wait […]