Relate Youth – A Grande Prairie Church of Christ Ministry

This year is an exciting year for youth ministries at Grande Prairie Church of Christ as many experiences and dynamics have shaped how we are moving ahead. This is now my 3rd year as theDirector of Youth Ministries and I couldn’t be more thrilled about where we are and where we’re going. Through this article I want to invite you on a short journey to enter into the history and the vision for our Youth Ministries. So now’s a good time to grab a hot beverage and find a comfy place to rest for a moment!

Let’s go back in time a few years…

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Community Formation

It always perplexed me as I read the stories in the Bible about the early church and the importance they attributed to life in community on their journey together towards Christ.  It seemed like they had something I did not – even though I had friends, family and faith!  It made me wonder what true community actually […]