How to Read the Bible

Here is another great resource from our Ways to Grow list. The Bible Project makes videos that help you more clearly understand the Word of God. This particular series will help you learn what the Bible is, and how to read the different styles of literature. What is the Bible Video

5 Ways Christians Can Love Those with Different Political Views

A short article from one of our Grow Up and Make a Difference resources available at Ways To Grow. It is from the site Christians Who Curse Sometimes, a site devoted to helping Christians deepen their faith. 5 Ways Christians Can Love Those With Different Political Views

Youth Starts This Thursday @ 7pm!

Regular Youth group begins again this Thursday at Highland Park. Grades 7-12 are welcome. Contact Mark if you have any questions:

A Walk with Alan

A year long study of the first 5 books of the Old Testament as presented by the Bible Project. Looking to start up on Tuesday evenings. Find out more about the Bible project here:

Why Come Home?

Alan and Scott share why is coming home important, what effect it has on us.

Is it a Place or is it the People?

Alan and Scott discuss whether our idea of home is about coming back to a familiar place or to familiar people. They also share an invitation to “Come On Home for Christmas”

Growing Through Affliction

Dave shares a thought and a song he wrote as he reflected on our theme of Grow Up and Make a Difference.

Don’t Try To Change The World

Mark shares some thoughts on what it means to make a difference and gives 3 steps we can take to grow up and make a difference.

3 Steps From 1 Thess 1:3
Hope in Jesus
Grow in capacity to love
Be Faithful to a mission

Growing Up thought From Scott

For this weeks post Scott shares some biblical characteristics of maturity from Ephesians 4: 15-32 that give us examples of what it means to grow up in our faith so that we can make a difference in our world.