Heaven and Earth- Preview of Mark’s Message

An animated video from the Bible Project explaining some of what Mark will be speaking about in his message on Sunday Dec 27th. God is bringing Heaven and Earth together and we all are called to be “pockets” of Heaven here on Earth.

An Endless Source of Love

A clip from Malorie’s message on Dec 20th, 2020 that highlights the endless love God has for us, and how as we are drenched in that love we are then able to share that love with others.

Christmas Love

A parent’s journey sparks a thought about the Christmas and what it says about God’s love.

Receive & Give Joy

Take a moment to ponder Isaiah 61 with Dave and remember that God blesses so we can bless.

Last Week of Advent – Love

How are you receiving the love of God? How are you expressing thankful love to God? How are you loving others?

Love is a Verb

Do not love the world (object), but love the world (people).

John 3:16 God so loves the World, He gave His one and only son…

God gave everything for us, and we are invited to put ourselves aside, and do the same for those whom are our enemies.

Storms, Jesus & Love

Laurel invites us to consider the stories of Jesus and storms during this season Advent.

Love and the Prodigal Son Story

Chris starts off our Advent series on Love with a reflection on the story of the Prodigal Son.

Joy in Difficult Circumstances

Chris shares the story of Lazarus’ resurrection and how sometimes in difficult circumstances we experience doubt, frustration and pain. Nevertheless, God is at work in ways that may not make sense to us so that he can bring about something greater.