Relational Peace

Peace on earth is not a wish, but a reality that we get to experience as we strive to know Jesus. It is a blessing sung to us by the angels in Luke 2:14

Storms, Jesus & Peace

Laurel invites us to consider the stories of Jesus and storms during this season Advent.

Lamentations and Peace

Chris shares from Lamentations in relationship to finding peace in times of uncertainty. Lamentations 3:16-24 and John 3:27,28.

Hope and Peace

Chris shares more about hope and how he connects it to peace.

Hope in Hard Times

Jesus knows what suffering is, and he will come alongside us in our suffering in order to restore and strengthen us, so we can be firm in our walk and steadfast in our faith.

Read: 1 Peter 5:10

Hope in the Darkness

As we enter the season on Advent, Alan speaks of the light and hope we have in the face of all death and darkness.

A reason to keep going

Loverboy sang “everybody’s working for the weekend”. But what keeps you going when hopes fall through? Scripture – Psalm 54:4

The Hope of Glory

Dave shares a thought that he recorded in preparation for this week of Advent: Hope

Colossians 1:27

Storms, Jesus & Hope

Laurel invites us to consider the stories of Jesus and storms during this season Advent.