Advent light and hope

Chris encourages us to stand in hope as we seek to lights in the darkness and to equip ourselves with the Armour of God.

Light in the Darkness

A call to hope in the light as we walk through dark times.

Responding to Jesus

Have you ever noticed that sometimes our response to Jesus changes?

Psalm 8 Worship Wednesday

Dave invites us to share in a musical reflection on Psalm 8.

What is Your Story?

Mark contemplates the power of taking our life stories seriously and challenges us to share where God has been at work.

Day 7 – Select Your Path

During this 7 day period of examen, look to and select how you will live out your faith and where God is directing you to share His love and grace.

Day 6 – Sense of Purpose

During this 7 day period of examen, reflect on what your purpose is and how God has uniquely placed you where you are.

Day 5 – Friends and Comrades

During this 7 day period of examen, reflect on the relationships and people God has placed in your life and how they help you in your walk with him.

Day 4 – Trusting Jesus

During this 7 day period of examen, reflect on what it means to trust in Jesus with all that you are and allowing him to direct your path.

Day 3 – Wilderness

During this 7 day period of examen, reflect on what it means to find God in the Wilderness and to depend on Him.