Daily Reflection – Bigger Than My Opinion

How do we maintain healthy community during contentious times?

Scott encourages us to read Philippians chapter 2 and find encouragement.

Daily Reflection – Belonging

Remember: Jesus calls our names, and invites us to call others!

Read: Mark 10:46-52

Ask yourself: How can I share my joy with others this week?

Daily Reflection – Not Picked Last

Scott shares an encouraging thought that grew from reflecting on Ephesians 1 and some team experiences from when he was young.

Daily Reflection – Remember Who You Are

Chris invites us to remember who God says we are and highlights some verses shared in the book “Bondage Breaker”.

Who does God say you are? Comment or private message us your response!

Daily Reflection – Hope or a Gamble

Do you have a limited understanding about hope? Mark unpacks this idea and encourages us to be confident in our hope.

Read: 2 corinthians 3:12-17