Daily Reflection – Words of Jesus

Take a moment to pause and join Dave in a musical reflection on the words of Jesus recorded in Matthew 11:28-30

Daily Reflection – Recipe for Survival & Thriving Pt.3

Alan explores the circumstances surrounding the Apostle Paul’s letters to the church in Thessalonica and the realty that the Christian life is not always easy.

What’s your “recipe” for surviving and thriving in the midst of difficult times?

Daily Reflection – Don’t Be a Troll

Have you ever been called a troll? Scott talks a bit about a recent experience that reminded him of the guidance in 2 Timothy 2:16-17.

Daily Reflection – Recipe for Survival & Thriving Pt.2

Alan shares a recipe for enduring difficult times that he noticed in 2 Thessalonians. Today he shares the second ingredient: a growing love for each other.

What are you doing this week to make sure your love is increasing and abounding?

Daily Reflection – Gifts

Mark talks about receiving and giving gifts of the Spirit to make the world a better place.

Read: 1 Corinthians 12

Daily Reflection – Christian Hope

Have you ever thought about the complex family line of Jesus? Scott contemplates this and what it means for us today.

Read: Romans 8:28, 2 Timothy 2:8

Remember: As bad as things things may look to us, God brings life from the dead.

Daily Reflection – God Still Loves You

Chris shares a great reminder first thing in the morning: Even at your worst, God still loves you!

Read: Romans 5:8