Who Is Jesus Day 1- Intro and Fulfillment

You have a choice.

You can either read the reflection below or listen to me talk in the video here:

Day 1

Let’s start off with an intro before we dig in. As we walk through the book of Matthew, my hope is that we keep one thing as the focus of why we are doing this; that is to continually ask “Who is Jesus?”  As we read about and share thoughts about what the text says, we have to be disciplined to always come back to this question. It is easy for us to be swept up by interesting details, strong statements, and moving stories. We must not be dissuaded from recognizing the amazing revelation of who Jesus is and what he has done for us. So my hope in every day of this reflection is that we always come back to the question, who is Jesus? What does this story reveal about him? 


In the opening chapters of Matthew we get a lot of info and it opens up with everyone’s favourite type of scripture, a genealogy. I want you to notice something if you take the time to read through the first chapters of Matthew. We see many references to things being fulfilled. In the first 5 chapters alone there are 12 references of things occurring in order to fulfil prophecy (1:22-23, 2:5-6: 2:15, 2:17-18, 2: 23, 3:3, 3:15, 4:14, 5:17). The genealogy does this same thing. It shows us how Jesus is the fulfilment of 2 promises of God; that through Abraham all nations will be blessed, and that a king would come from the line of David who would reign forever. 

Jesus is the focal point of the entire Bible. Throughout the Old Testament people received promises and prophecies from God about him restoring and renewing creation. Jesus came to fulfil God’s plan. Jesus’ birth was always meant to lead to the cross and resurrection. To a hope rooted in God’s redeeming love. As we read through Matthew we need to hold onto this. That what we see calls back to God’s promises and how Jesus is the fulfilment of those promises. 

For us, we need to take hold of the truth that God is still at work. The victory has already been secured through Jesus, and we as his people are being shaped and moulded into his image.When we look at Jesus’ words and actions, we are seeing God in action and we are seeing what God calls us to do as well. As his spirit works in us he shapes our loves to also be part of the fulfilment of his will. To love extravagantly, to serve boldly, and to worship wholeheartedly.

So if you take some time today to read any of the first 3 chapters of Matthew (I do not plan to have you reading this much through the rest of the month), take time to pause worship God that he has and is actively working all things together in completion of his plan.

You are invited to pray or to be prayed for. As we learn more about who Jesus is let us then enter into prayer and be shaped by him.

Upcoming Events

As we kick off the New year, here are a couple of things happening that you can be a part of: Kid’s Morning Out Free indoor playground for kids ages 0-5 10-Noon at Highland Park every Wednesday Men’s Study Starting Jan 23rd at 7pm at Mission Heights. February Daily Reflections Every day in February there […]

Christmas 2023

This year we are doing Christmas Eve services a bit differntly. Highland Park We will only have a 10am service at Highland Park Mission Heights There will be service only at 7pm and there is no 10am service Christmas Day There will not be services at either site. Hope you all have a blessed Christmas […]

Musical Starts This Week!

This Friday is the first performance of our musical “Welcome to Bethlehem”. It is a show for all ages and focuses around hope. We have 4 shows that all start at 7pm. Admission is at the door by donation to MyLuVPak (find out more about MyLuvPak)

Day 30 – Grow Up… Into Him – 6 Weeks of Reflection

Ephesians 4:15 ..but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ..
Ever had your parents or a teacher tell you to grow up? And here, the Bible says it, too. Fortunately, the phrase is part of a wider context and gives us some how and where. Notice this final JPP (Jesus Prepositional Phrase), ‘into Him.’

Reflection Questions
So, how do we grow?..and where to?

This concludes our meditations/medications focusing on the prepositional phrases in Ephesians that specifically include Jesus Christ or His pronouns. We could have wandered into the remainder of the letter but, alas, we have run out of time. Thank you for taking this journey with me and I look forward to discussing and debating in our breakfast meetings as we ponder the question, ‘Jesus, what have You done?’

Our Final breakfast is this Saturday at 9 am where we get together to discuss the reflections and share our thoughts. Please let us know if you plan to come by signing up below:

Day 29 – Fullness – 6 Weeks of Reflection

Ephesians 4:13 ..until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ..
Compare this use of ‘fullness’ to the previous reference of 3:19. Jesus wants fullness for us – fullness of God and of Christ.

Reflection Questions
How are we to achieve this?
Can we be filled more than once?

Our Final breakfast is this Saturday at 9 am where we get together to discuss the reflections and share our thoughts. Please let us know if you plan to come by signing up below:

Day 28- He Gave/Gives Gifts to Men – 6 Weeks of Reflection

Ephesians 4:7&8 But to each of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift. Therefore it says, “When He ascended on high, He led captive a host of captives, and He gave gifts to men.”(Psalm 68)
You and I have been graced; that is, His grace has been lavished on us for the salvation of our souls – Hallelujah – and also for the sake of our service. The Greek word charis is rendered in the NT mostly as ‘grace’, but can also mean ‘work’ or ‘gift’.

Reflection Questions
So, what are some of your gifts?

Our Final breakfast is this Saturday at 9 am where we get together to discuss the reflections and share our thoughts. Please let us know if you plan to come by signing up below:

Day 27- To Him Be the Glory – 6 Weeks of Reflection

Ephesians 3:20 & 21 Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.
The glory of God is here resident in Jesus. Amen, that is indeed so; however, consider the other PP (prepositional phrase), the one that comes before: ‘in the church.’ The church, the gathering where Jesus is present, is equally the place of God’s glory.

Reflection Questions
How is glory manifest in Jesus?
How is that same glory manifest in the church?
Finish this statement: Christ in you______..

Our Final breakfast is this Saturday at 9 am where we get together to discuss the reflections and share our thoughts. Please let us know if you plan to come by signing up below:

Day 26- O, the Love of Christ – 6 Weeks of Reflection

Ephesians 3:19 ..And to know the love of Christ, which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.
I do not understand the depth of this verse, but I am determined to recite this prayer over my own life, and the lives of others.

Reflection Questions
No questions here; rather a sincere appeal to you that you pray vv14 to 19 over your life right now. Perhaps even committing it to memory.

Our Final breakfast is this Saturday at 9 am where we get together to discuss the reflections and share our thoughts. Please let us know if you plan to come by signing up below: