Daily Reflection – Response (Felix & Drusilla Pt.4)

Alan wraps up his reflections on the apostle Paul’s encounter with Felix and Drusilla.

Read: Acts 24:10-27 (emphasis on verses 23-25)

Ask yourself: How are you going to respond to Jesus today?

Daily Reflection – Judgement Day (Felix & Drusilla Pt.3)

Alan continues to reflect on Paul’s encounter with Felix and Drusilla, and digs into the “Judgement to come” part of the conversation.

Read: Acts 24:10-27 (emphasis on verses 23-25)

2 Corinthians 3:17

View this post on Instagram How have you sensed God leading you to freedom this week? A post shared by GP Church of Christ (@gpcofc) on Jul 11, 2020 at 9:48am PDT

Daily Reflection – Out of Exile

Joanne shares a Psalm that resonated with her after the past few months of our COVID-19 experience.

Take some time to read Psalm 107 and reflect on your life. Give thanks for the good times and trust God will meet your needs in the dark times.

Daily Reflection – Words of Encouragement

Mark ponders the way the apostle Peter talks to Christians who are experiencing persecution and what it means for us when we are facing hard times.

Daily Reflection – Self Control (Felix & Drusilla Pt.2)

Alan continues to reflect on the story of Felix and Drusilla, and how the apostle Paul spoke to them about faith in Jesus Christ by emphasizing righteousness, self control and judgement.

Read: Acts 24:10-27 (emphasis on verses 23-25), Galatians 5:22-23