Daily Reflection – Too Wonderful

Laurel invites us to wrap up the contemplative journey through the book of Job by basking in the wonder of not knowing everything.

Read: Job 42:1-5

May you see God this week as you learn to bask in wonder.

Daily Reflection – It’s Gonna be OK

Alan shares an encouraging thought that grew out of a reading from Thursday Morning Prayer.

Read: Psalm 29

Remember: Our circumstances are not too much for God!

Daily Reflection – Night is Almost Over

Today Malorie encourages us to celebrate the “already” of new creation, and joyfully anticipate the “not yet” that we know is coming.

Read: Romans 13:12

Daily Reflection – Stop!

Scott explores some key ideas from the fourth commandment found in Exodus 20.

Remember: Sabbath is about stopping and acknowledging the intrinsic value of human beings, and God’s desire to fill Creation with His presence.

The Ant and the Sluggard: A Study of Proverbs 6:6-11

Preface: This study was written for Professor Heidi Pence’s course in the Books of Poetry and Wisdom, for PACE, Alberta Bible College in Grande Prairie, and was submitted in June 2016. To see the scholarly work with footnotes, click here) The Ant and the Sluggard: A Study of Proverbs 6:6-11 By Carol Crerar When we […]

Daily Reflection – God’s Name

Scott talks about the broader meaning of #3 of the Ten Commandments and challenges us to live out of our identity as God’s blessed kids.

Read: Exodus 20