Daily Reflection – Light is Near

Check out Job’s response to God’s initiative and ponder with Laurel how we can also say that “Light is Near” when our lives are dark and shattered.

Read: Job 17:11-12

Try: Meditate on this statement “In the face of darkness, light is near”, and remember that God is not afraid of the dark!

Hebrews 13:5

View this post on Instagram In every season of life, both the ups and downs, the challenges and the celebrations, God is with us. Hallelujah! 🙌🙌🙌 A post shared by GP Church of Christ (@gpcofc) on May 17, 2020 at 5:44am PDT

Luke 1:37

View this post on Instagram When things seem chaotic or scary or heavy or restricting, take a breath and remember God is working everything out for good. A post shared by GP Church of Christ (@gpcofc) on May 16, 2020 at 6:48am PDT

Daily Reflection – Be a Good Neighbour

Talk a walk with Scott and reflect on the well-known biblical account of Jesus telling the story of the Good Samaritan.

Read: Luke 10:25-37

Try: Take the time to be a good neighbour during this time we find ourselves in. Be loving toward those who hold different viewpoints or live differently than you do.

Daily Reflection – Check Yourself

Scott shares some Bible stores that help us think about our lives and motives.

Read: Luke 7

Ask yourself: Is my life marked by love or something else?

Daily Reflection – Renewal

Mark encourages us today with an object lesson in the sun.

Read: Romans 12 (emphasis on verse 2)

Daily Reflection – God’s Glory

Contemplate Psalm 26 with Alan and what “your house” really means.

Ask yourself: How are you loving the church, the people of God?