This past Sunday Cam (our Director of Creative Arts) came over to our Mission Heights site to lead worship. It was my turn to prep media for the service, and as I was working on slides and formatting lyrics, I really enjoyed a mix of tunes Cam had set to play through the sounds system […]
Bema 6: the Bridge

The BEMA (βῆμα, בּימה ): The Bridge I last wrote about the state of self-captivity (“self-tivity”) I call the Island. Having chased myself into the ground, following my own drive to make myself feel better about God, in the frustration, fatigue, inner fog, and fury, I cried out in anger and despair. At four in […]
Bema 5: On or Off the Island

The BEMA (βῆμα, בּימה ): On, or off the Island Being on an island is for some of us the perfect place for rest and recreation, free from interference and the “madding crowd”. For others, islands are places of confinement, prisons where one is left with limited resources, fewer opportunities and the inability to escape. […]
Reflections on Revival – Dec. 25
Dear child. Do you know my Son Jesus? Really KNOW Him? He is my Beloved Son, the One willing to die for your sins so that you can be free of all your burdens. He is with you even now. Emmanuel, God with each of you. Let Him in, dear child! O Lord. You chose […]
Reflections on Revival – Dec. 18
I am LOVE. Without love, there is no fullness of living. Love is powerful and yet so tender. I love you deeply. I will not let you go. Nothing can separate my love from you. I have always loved you, and I always will! Let Me fill you with my love. O Lord. How can […]
Reflections on Revival – Dec. 11
Dear child. Your heart is heavy and is filled with sadness. Baby Jesus was sent to set you free of guilt and shame! Do you not know that I have come to pour my joy into your innermost being? Let me fill you with great joy that will bubble out from within you. O Lord. […]
Reflections on Revival – Dec. 4
Dear child. I offer you my peace and yet you choose chaos. Receive my peace for it will flood your mind, soul, body and spirit. My peace does not depend on circumstances nor on others, rather it is possible as you choose to trust me. I am with you ALWAYS! Believe my words. O Lord. My heart […]
Reflections on Revival – Nov 27
Dear child. Everything you do is worthless unless you do it in love. You can make huge sacrifices but unless your motive is to love, it is worth NOTHING! I am love. Let me rule your heart and then your actions will be powerful. Love always wins! O Lord. How can I do EVERYTHING in […]
Reflections on Revival – Nov 20
Dear child. Sometimes life may seem unpredictable but know that I hold every breathe that you take. I have purpose in you being alive. Trust Me for I have good plans for you. Keep on looking to My face. I am directing you. O Lord. Sometimes I feel like I’m riding a chaotic wave, not […]