Revival. Look around you. Do you see the beauty of the sunrise, the frost on the trees, the sparkle in your child’s eyes? Stop and give thanks to Me. It is my pleasure to delight you with my good gifts. Let me fill you with my joy! I am with you. O Lord. Often I […]
Making Manly Men Motivational Monologue by Ryan
Have you ever asked yourself, “what could I do this year to make myself more manly?” Or maybe this, “What do the mostly manly of all men do in the summer?” If so, I have an answer for you. It’s called The Manly Men’s Bike Trip Extravaganza and you can be part of it too. […]
WHO AM I (Third Site Musings with the God Who Never Changes)
This is a difficult time. We need more leaders. We need more volunteers. We need more money. We need more heart. We are tired. We are burdened. We are hurting. This is the wrong time… In my opinion every one of these things is true. There is so much difficulty. We are in need of […]
Consider the Possibilities
I joined the Church of Christ a few months before the Mission Heights location opened its doors. The whole concept of a “multisite” church was new and strange to me. I didn’t quite understand the point, beyond a cost-savings perspective. A church gets to expand without rebuilding and has one staff to run it […]
Winter/Spring 2016 Chronicle

At least once per season we compile and print a church newsletter…
Reflections on Revival #50
Revival. Oh child, why do you long for the things of this world? They hook you and then carry your heart far away from Me. Repent of your idols and come back to Me. I miss you so very much. Look to Me and give me your heart. I am the only One who satisfies! […]
Reflections on Revival #49
Revival. Dear child. When you accepted me into your life, I came to dwell in you. But for some reason you have closed the doors of certain rooms of your heart. Why? I am the One who fills you with life. Open every door of your heart to me and I will breathe life into […]
Reflections on Revival #48
Revival. My love is unfailing in depth and height, it is unconditional. My love covers a multitude of sin and even casts out fear. My love can never be separated from you. Reach out and receive it. Let it flow into your mind, your soul, your body and your spirit. My love is unfailing! I […]
Reflections on Revival #47
Revival. Why do you pick and choose when you are going to trust me? Am I not trustworthy? There is NOTHING about Me that is not trustworthy. I am the great I AM. There is no one like me. No one! Believe me when I tell you that my love for you is unconditional. I […]
Jeremy’s Farewell
I’ve done a lot of work with branding and marketing over the years. The challenge is the same for every client: distilling a complicated web of people and services down to a single clear idea, centred around an all-important question.
What are we here to do?
When I got involved with the camp, the answer seemed…