Revival. My heart becomes so sad every time you turn to others or go to ‘google’ instead of my face. I know all things and I have all answers. Come to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know (Jer.33:3). Come to Me! I know […]
Reflections on Revival #36

Revival. Pick up your mat and walk! Enough lying around. Get up and get to work for I will fill you with power. You are forgiven! No need to mope around for today I have come to give you life. Receive my forgiveness and start walking. Victory awaits you. Step forward. Do it! I am […]
Reflections on Revival #35

Revival. Do you know that I am preparing a place for you? This earth is not your home, you are passing through. So run with perseverance and courage. Let go of those things that slow you down in this race to the finish line. I am waiting for you. I am so proud of you […]
Reflections on Revival #34
Revival. Do you not know that nothing is impossible for Me? Nothing. I created the glorious sunrise and the newborn child. I hold creation in my hand and have numbered all your days. I think about you all the time (Ps.139:17-18). I want to do the impossible in your life. I can do it. Wait […]
Reflections on Revival #33
Revival. Be still and know that I am God (Ps.46:10). You squirm and kick and you don’t hear my words of love to you. I know what is going on in your life. I know your fear and even your anger. Be still. Take a deep breath of my Spirit and allow my Presence to […]
Teaching Kids To Pray
Perhaps I’m alone in this, but I often find praying out loud to be awkward and uncomfortable. I’m often unable to just “talk to God”, but am instead compelled to put on a performance, of sorts, for those around me. I feel pressure to use fancy words and grand phrases. I quickly pluck religious […]
Reflections on Revival #32
Revival. Do you remember the story of how the Israelites were caught between the advancing Egyptian army and the Red Sea? (Exodus 14). I was the One who led them to that spot. That’s exactly where I wanted them to be. Do you know why? Because I wanted them to know that I am the […]
Reflections on Revival #31

Revival. Oh child, I long to bless you. I long to hear your voice but you don’t ask me for anything. Why? I have told you many times to be bold and ask of me. I am the great I AM, your heavenly Father. Nothing is impossible for Me. I love you and want to […]
Reflections on Revival #30

Revival. Revival. Guard your heart for it determines the course of your life (Prov.4:23). How can you walk wisely when you allow destructive thoughts to take root in your mind? Your heart is what produces your words and your behaviour. Seek first my face and I will breathe life into your being. I love you! […]
Relate Youth – A Grande Prairie Church of Christ Ministry
This year is an exciting year for youth ministries at Grande Prairie Church of Christ as many experiences and dynamics have shaped how we are moving ahead. This is now my 3rd year as theDirector of Youth Ministries and I couldn’t be more thrilled about where we are and where we’re going. Through this article I want to invite you on a short journey to enter into the history and the vision for our Youth Ministries. So now’s a good time to grab a hot beverage and find a comfy place to rest for a moment!
Let’s go back in time a few years…