Reflections on Revival #38

Revival.   There are treasures in the darkness, secret riches (Is.45:3).  Do you know that?  Seek for Me and you will find me there.  My Presence is in the darkness.  I am your tender strength, carrying you every step.  Can you feel my strong arms of love embracing you?  I am there with you breathing life […]

Reflections on Revival #36

Revival.   Pick up your mat and walk!  Enough lying around.  Get up and get to work for I will fill you with power.  You are forgiven!  No need to mope around for today I have come to give you life.  Receive my forgiveness and start walking.  Victory awaits you.  Step forward.  Do it!  I am […]

Reflections on Revival #33

Revival.   Be still and know that I am God (Ps.46:10).  You squirm and kick and you don’t hear my words of love to you.  I know what is going on in your life.  I know your fear and even your anger.  Be still.  Take a deep breath of my Spirit and allow my Presence to […]

Reflections on Revival #32

Revival.   Do you remember the story of how the Israelites were caught between the advancing Egyptian army and the Red Sea?  (Exodus 14).  I was the One who led them to that spot.  That’s exactly where I wanted them to be.  Do you know why?  Because I wanted them to know that I am the […]

Reflections on Revival #31

Revival.   Oh child, I long to bless you.  I long to hear your voice but you don’t ask me for anything.  Why?  I have told you many times to be bold and ask of me.  I am the great I AM, your heavenly Father.  Nothing is impossible for Me.  I love you and want to […]

Living Hope

Praise be to the Lord and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!
In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
1 Peter 1:3