
Do you ever look at your life and wonder when the calling God has placed on your heart will ever come true? That calling you know God placed on your heart years ago, that just isn’t coming to fruition? I’ve had this thought many times over the years. God, if this is Your calling on […]

Love Authentically

Love others well, and don’t hide behind a mask; love authentically. Despise evil; pursue what is good as if your life depends on it.  Live in true devotion to one another, loving each other as sisters and brothers.
Romans 12:9

I Made A Book. None Of The Content Is Mine.

I Made A Book. None Of The Content Is Mine. I think it started in Grade 3 Sunday School.  I had teachers who would pay us to learn scriptures. Ok…that is a misrepresentation.   I had teachers who would offer prizes if we memorized all of the memory verses.  The first one bought us little […]

Reflections from Ruth

It has been a whirlwind of a year!  I’ve been learning and growing in ways I would’ve never imagined in my wildest dreams. I joined the church staff on November 1st, only halfway through the 1st semester of the school year. I was over the moon with excitement to serve kids and their families; however, […]

The Exodus and our Communion

Exodus tells us of Israel’s deliverance from Egyptian slavery, becoming the major paradigm of salvation in the Old Testament. We see in Chapter 11 that many of the time would have said “The Egyptians have their gods and the Israelites have a God – What’s the difference?” This is just like the thinking we run […]

Money Series Audio

Missed a few sermons in our “Money” miniseries, or want to hear them again?  Click here.

Jesus, Mammon and Us

One of the most tumultuous debates among monks in the Middle Ages had to do with a divisive hypothetical question – did Jesus have a wallet? Of course, this is not as stupid a question as it appears to be. If Jesus had carried a wallet, he carried money. If he carried money, then it […]

Thoughts on Wealth and Power

Because we sold our own honey – retail and wholesale – my family were businessmen as well as beekeepers. Working for my father, as early as age 9, I received a small wage for my work, especially since it was pretty intensive for a little boy. Later on, my summers were spent in the honey […]

Dreaming the Dream

Author Rosina Norris enjoyed a spring Bible study through the book of Ephesians with some other women in our church and invites us to join her in getting away with God so we can be transformed. WHILE we were DREAMING of Spring, some dear DAMES were “DREAMING the DREAM of Ephesians” New life, New Society, New […]